The Future of the construction industry in 2022 and beyond
- Discover what the potential future of the construction industry will look like, uncover global trends that will be part of our Australian business landscape.
- What technology will assist you and your team in building a more efficient trades business
- 3 essential actions that will prepare your trades business for a profitable 2022
Retaining your best people
- The biggest mistake employers make when looking to hire great people
- How industry leaders use the R.E.T.A.I.N model to develop and keep A grade teams
- What will engage your team (other than financial incentives) to stay with you long term
How to prepare your trades business for the next best steps.
- Critical steps to build a strong and flexible business to succeed in any environment
- What technical skills you and your team will require to thrive in 2022
- How to sharpen your personal skills and awareness to overcome any obstacles that come your way.
Exclusive – Industry guest speaker
Attendees receive a light breakfast, Lunch and networking drinks to wrap up the day.
Event Info
Time: 7am-5pm
Ticket: Single $97 or Double $147